English Page
Tea can relax,
rejuvenate and refresh the mind
Our teas are grown in Shizuoka, which is a world renowned region
in Japan.
We selected two outstanding tea farmers from tworegions especially
suitable for
tea growing.
Excellent tea field

In the early morning, fog and mist arise from the fresh stream of Ota-river.
Suzuki tea farm is right there in the mountain next to the river.
Extreme temperature of heat and strong wind create robust stems with
thick skin leaves.
Enjoy the real green tea with excellent aroma.
Mori region was the designated tea growing region for the imperial
household, 1999.

Green tea Master in Kawane region Koshi Tanno
grows the top quality green tea
Tannno tea farm
Green tea Master Tanno creates and astringency in his green tea.
The region is the most suitable for tea growing.
The fresh stream to making his teas very special.
Enjoy the refreshing smell and emerald green color of green tea.
Iced green tea is also good.
He won 2 famous prizes in Japan:1st prize of Japan Tea Show,
2002 Designated tea farmer for the imperial household, 2003.
Green tea Master Tanno and I
YASUMA-EN (Shizuoka Green Tea Specialist)
3-11-70 Tokiwa Kosai-city Shizuoka Japan
contact us
TEL: +81-53-577-5357 FAX: +81-53-577-5355
MOBILE: +81-90-3834-9232